holocaust denial

The storm didn't unleash genocide in Puerto Rico, but the president sounds a lot like genocide deniers.
The companies are promoting Holocaust denial magazines and white supremacist baby T-shirts. Facebook removed the pages after HuffPost published this article.
He’s been espousing white supremacism for years. So why do Republicans keep giving Iowa Rep. Steve King a pass?
Those users are not “intentionally getting it wrong,” he said.
The law allowed up to three years in prison for saying that Poland took part in Nazi war crimes.
“It is shocking to hear how vocally and unapologetically racist you are. Are you a Nazi?” asked Alisyn Camerota.
The Senate candidate talked to an anti-Semitic publication for the fifth time last month. He wouldn't condemn it for calling the Holocaust a "hoax."
Are Andrew Anglin and his attorney using a federal case as a soapbox for extremism?
"Speak up and put down signs of racism, acts of hatred.”