holocaust denial

German prosecutors said Groening, an ex-Nazi death camp guard, was medically fit to serve the four-year sentence he received for his role in the Holocaust.
This isn’t the first time the far-right party's been linked to anti-Semitism. But it comes as another major blow for presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.
It isn't easy being a person of faith in the world today.
"We believe a few hours learning this history will help you understand where you went wrong," the ADL said.
If you think you had a bad day, you ain’t got nothin' on Sean Spicer. The White House press secretary claimed on Tuesday that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” despite the fact that the German dictator used gas to systematically kill Jews during the Holocaust. Spicer later apologized for the comment.
"Either he is speaking for the president, or the president should have known better than to hire him."
The caller accuses a librarian of advocating "white genocide," and calls the Holocaust a "lie."
Company yanks books from countries where they're illegal following investigation.