
The clean energy transition isn't Big Oil's only problem. Oil and gas jobs have been disappearing for a long time.
Vague definitions of “corporate social responsibility” and the voluntary nature of much corporate climate reporting have allowed companies to escape scrutiny.
Older kids and teens need to hone their skills to process what's in their feed ― and sniff out fake news.
Climate, health and social justice experts tell us how we can come out of the coronavirus crisis better than before.
As the climate crisis worsens, the coronavirus pandemic rages, and Joe Biden prepares to take office, a look at big environmental stories that could define the next year.
The U.K. became the first country to approve the shot, which has a low cost and is easier to store than other vaccines in use.
The planet didn’t chalk up a lot of wins during the coronavirus pandemic, but we made some climate progress.
Unwanted items are more than just a logistical problem — they have the potential to become a mountain of waste.
“A couple of years ago, I would never have believed it,” one scientist said. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“There’s just massive scores of homes with large outbreaks with no interventions at all.”