
Online learning is leading to a “major crisis in mental health” for faculty, too.
Marketing and advertising companies create slick campaigns to make the oil and gas industry look cleaner. Until they choose not to.
Two NHS staff members who have a history of allergic reactions responded adversely after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech shot but are recovering well.
The mayors will distribute the money as no-strings-attached cash payments to hundreds of residents in their cities.
Masks stop the spread of COVID-19 but they can’t be recycled and are contributing to the plastic pollution crisis.
Here's what to know if you're thinking of inviting just a few loved ones over for the holidays during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Climate change is making cities unlivable for millions. Surviving rising temperatures means tackling inequality and rethinking who cities are really for.
Some countries are rejecting an obsession with GDP and finding different ways to measure success. Welcome to the happiness economy.
Solar and wind are more reliable in catastrophes –– and we need them to slow the worsening climate crisis.
Industrial agriculture is bad for workers and the environment. Farmers all over the world are creating fairer food systems that work with the Earth, not against it.