ken paxton

The measure leaves it to houses of worship to determine their own rules on concealed weapons.
A closer look at election fraud cases Attorney General Ken Paxton resolved in 2018 suggests many of them were minor.
The San Antonio City Council voted this month to block the opening of the chicken chain in an airport, calling out its anti-LGBTQ stance.
The committee wants to know more about a controversial effort to review the voter rolls in Texas and a decision to move a polling place in Kansas.
GOP efforts to codify the disastrous investigation would also likely spur lawsuits.
58 people in one Texas county received two letters regarding a request for citizenship information.
“That’s inaccurate at this point. None of that has been proven,” a local election official said.
Texas officials said 95,000 non-citizens may be on voter rolls, but that number is suspect.
Opponents dismissed the lawsuit from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, based on a Republican-backed law, as a “publicity stunt.”
Rosa Maria Ortega's case illustrates the enormous discretion that prosecutors have in how harshly they pursue voter fraud.