Latin America

Many objected when Secretary of State John Kerry referred to Latin America as "the backyard" of the United States last April. While his statement may have been intended as an innocuous comment on geography, the implications of his words represent an all too common attitude about our Southerly neighbors.
Specifically with respect to innovation, Chile has abandoned its old spot in the innovation wasteland and is now known as a growing global hub for entrepreneurship.
Todos tenemos sembrado el miedo hasta los tuétanos, cada mañana al salir a la calle parecen de despedida, no sé si estamos en el turno al bate de la muerte
This is one of the strangest car crashes we've ever seen.
Just what kind of intelligence are the British and Americans trying to intercept through their base on Ascension? In light of recent revelations, it seems highly likely that both are interested in oil espionage in the South Atlantic.
March is the ideal time to pack-up shop and get away. Winter is supposed to be over, but somehow it feels like it's just getting worse. Unfortunately, some of us are no longer in a stage of life where taking a week off to drink tequila is acceptable or mandated by university scheduling.