Legislative Branch

Biden has sold himself to Americans as an uniter and a seasoned legislative broker. He's aware of the stakes on Jan. 5.
The former Senate leader has been among the most high-level political voices favoring to end the 60-vote threshold for legislation.
The Supreme Court nominee released prepared remarks on Sunday ahead of her upcoming Senate confirmation hearing,
The former president said Democrats should ditch the “Jim Crow relic” to make Election Day a national holiday, end gerrymandering and revitalize the Voting Rights Act.
State legislators will investigate allegations that Senate Majority Leader Kris Langer was drunk during a meeting that involved legislation related to the coronavirus outbreak.
"But you have to ask yourself. Why are you a senator? Why are you there?" asked former GOP Sen. William Cohen.
The bill, which was named after Till, comes 120 years after Congress first considered anti-lynching legislation and after dozens of similar efforts were defeated.
The law drew criticism from religious groups advocacy that said it would effectively punish people who oppose same-sex marriage for faith-based reasons.
An Oregon Senate committee is considering punishing the senator after he threatened state police and a colleague with violence over a climate change bill.
After disappearing for nine days, Oregon's Republican state senators returned to work.