
The president told world leaders, “I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize" for one of Donald Trump's more memorable anti-science acts.
The deadly heat wave was a "once-in-a-millennium" event -- but extreme heat of that intensity could become increasingly commonplace with global warming.
The large skull is big enough to hold a modern-sized brain.
The Pentagon was given six months to present its findings on UFOs, also known as “unidentified aerial phenomena," after establishing a UAP Task Force.
Astronomers calculated that 1,715 stars in our galactic neighborhood have had an unobstructed view of Earth during human civilization.
Currently, astronauts just wear their underwear, gym clothes and everything else until they can’t take the filth and stink anymore, then junk them.
Few creatures do naptime like the bdelloid rotifer.
The conspiracy theory-endorsing Georgia Republican put air quotes around the word "science."
The two bees moved in unison and the moment was caught on video.
It's a key communication skill for wolves.