
The area around the arch is a popular diving spot.
Collins piloted the ship from which Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left to make their historic first steps on the moon in 1969.
President Joe Biden is encouraging more Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine as the CDC relaxes mask guidelines for people who have had their shots.
The black hole dubbed "The Unicorn" is just 1,500 light years from Earth, and one of the smallest ever found.
An experimental device called MOXIE successfully converted some of the red planet's carbon dioxide into enough oxygen to sustain a human for 10 minutes.
The mini 4-pound copter named Ingenuity achieved the first powered, controlled flight on another planet.
A whole lot of Tyrannosaurus rexes used to rule the planet.
A series of blinking, pyramid-shaped "unidentified aerial phenomena" were filmed by a Navy pilot over a U.S. destroyer off the coast of San Diego.
The findings link snoring with structural brain changes in children. Here's what parents need to know.
Amazingly, many experts took the side of the processed meat product over the celebrity astrophysicist.