special counsel

Jack Smith filed for the gag order in federal court, citing Trump’s many public statements and social media posts.
“Their bad faith, their hypocrisy is truly a sight to behold," Mehdi Hasan told Ayman Mohyeldin.
The special counsel leading the Justice Department's Jan. 6 criminal investigation is zeroing in on those close to former President Donald Trump.
Jack Smith, the special counsel appointed by the Justice Department, is overseeing two investigations into former President Donald Trump.
Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson previously testified that a Trump-connected lawyer encouraged her to remember as little as possible.
This is the first known round of subpoenas since the appointment of new Special Counsel Jack Smith by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
"Isn't this sort of like double jeopardy?" the former president asked after a special counsel was appointed to continue investigating him.
Trump called the appointment the “worst politicization of justice in our country" and falsely claimed he has already been found innocent "on everything."
A Media Matters montage shows there was a very familiar feel to some of what House Republicans asked the former special counsel.
Mueller is expected to speak about the content of his report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election.