special counsel

The president was gloating over a controversial House committee report.
The President is said to be considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. But how easy would be for Trump - if it’s even possible at all?
The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman wants more safeguards against President Donald Trump firing Robert Mueller.
“Well, I think it’s a disgrace what’s going on," he said. "We’ll see what happens."
They've given the president all the permission he needs.
It seems like Vladimir Putin is one of the few people President Trump hasn’t insulted.
Sam Nunberg told several outlets he’d rather be arrested than comply with the Russia probe. Then reversed his statement Monday evening.
Some Republicans in Congress want to make sure Special Counsel Robert Mueller keeps his job leading the Russia investigation.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating whether President Trump obstructed justice in waiting to fire former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.