
"As if leadership really cares. I guess I should not be surprised," one employee responded to an email on the discovery of the Nazi symbol, CNN reported.
A misshapen swastika and misspelled slur were spray-painted on a garage next to the scene.
Steve Johnson claims it's not a Nazi sign, it's a Tibetan symbol.
The chilling missives used several of President Donald Trump's catchphrases to attack the press.
The name originated from the company which first developed the area in 1908, years before the Nazis gave the symbol its now-universally nefarious connotation.
Smashed paint cans and swastika-like drawings were found at a Chabad of Flagstaff construction site, police said.
Hateful phrases and Hitler salutes were found at Hebrew Cemetery, a 19th-century burial site in Fall River, Massachusetts.
This is the third time in months that swastikas have appeared at the elite D.C. private school that educated Malia Obama and Chelsea Clinton.
Orange County teenagers photographed with a swastika at a high school party are facing heat for their actions.
Police are investigating an incident at Yeshiva Yoreh Deah in Livingston Manor.