
Thirty-seven tombstones and a monument to Holocaust victims were desecrated this week in the Herrlisheim Jewish cemetery near Strasbourg.
Google told HuffPost that the symbols "are incorrectly displaying for certain hotels" and that they are working on a fix to restore the correct icons.
Jewish students were shocked to find a memorial they created for the Pittsburgh synagogue victims vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti.
More swastikas desecrate Jewish cemeteries and frighten Jewish students. And now 11 people have been massacred.
The ad began airing two weeks ago when a left-leaning blog and then the liberal advocacy group Progress Michigan brought attention to the image.
Some items with Confederate and Nazi symbols are still available for purchase.
Prosecutors declined to investigate, saying the giveaway is protected as artistic expression.
The accused gunman left a rifle and 180 rounds of ammunition in the school, officials said.
The college is investigating the anti-Semitic incident.