United States Department of State

At least 7,000 evacuated from Afghanistan last year are still in a temporary refuge in the United Arab Emirates. They have no idea if or when they’ll leave.
The State Department said it would continue to support the "people of Ukraine as they bravely defend their country.”
Amid international crises, the key national security agency is experiencing a stunning surge in coronavirus cases, three U.S. officials told HuffPost this week.
“We are seeing a rise in Islamophobia in nearly every corner of the globe," the Democratic representative said.
Mullin was in the middle of his second attempt to enter Afghanistan, despite having zero military or international diplomatic experience.
The State Department is looking into the apparent disappearance of a bottle of whiskey given to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in 2019.
For the first time, the State Department will allow people to obtain passports and IDs using a gender neutral "X" marker instead of "M" or "F."
The State Department now recognizes the citizenship of babies born abroad to same-sex married couples, even if an American parent is not genetically related.
Nearly all U.S. assistance had been eliminated under President Donald Trump.
The former president's delay in conceding the election slowed key appointments to an agency he ravaged. But Biden's approach could be worsening the problem.