United States Department of State

The secretary of state smirked while responding to a reporter's question about how the State Department will engage with Joe Biden’s transition team.
An unpublished inspector general report obtained by HuffPost raises concerns about longtime GOP operative Cam Henderson, who is close to Mike Pompeo.
The State Department inspector general named Matt Mowers, now a New Hampshire congressional candidate, as one of the aides who improperly removed the employee.
House Democrats will probe whether Pompeo's planned speech violates State Department policy and laws prohibiting federal employees from partisan political activities.
Stephen Akard stepped down just two days after Democrats issued subpoenas for several of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s top aides.
Au pair companies market their programs as a way to experience American culture. But many people told HuffPost it’s a poorly regulated, exploitative system that fails to act on allegations of physical and sexual abuse.
Government funds were spent on Susan Pompeo's trip during the government shutdown while staffers accommodating her were unpaid.
Rancor surrounds disputes over allegations of technology theft, national security, human rights, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea.
Mohamed Amashah, 24, was arrested after standing alone in Cairo’s Tahrir Square with a sign that read: “Freedom for all the political prisoners.”
Mary Elizabeth Taylor, one of the highest-ranking Black officials in the administration, said Trump's actions “cut sharply against my core values."