workers rights

The "Last Week Tonight" host rips the president for emergency bailouts that are exceedingly difficult to access.
Leilani Jordan, a 27-year-old with cerebral palsy, died after being infected by the coronavirus. She'd worked at a Giant Food in Maryland for six years.
Retailers see e-commerce as a way to survive the coronavirus pandemic. Their warehouse workers wonder if they'll survive it, too.
Looking at thousands of crowdsourced salaries can be overwhelming. Here's how to make sense of it all.
While everyone argues about "Medicare for All," real progress is happening on paid family leave. Time to pay attention.
The presidential candidate is proposing protections for part-time shift workers, many of whom are in low-wage jobs in the retail and food industries.
We should be rallying for more long weekends. Let's start by reclaiming Thanksgiving.
The delivery app came under fire earlier this summer after a New York Times report shed light on delivery workers' hectic jobs.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the new law makes it "crystal clear to anyone who may still have doubts that New York has zero tolerance for bigotry of any kind."
The legislation would ensure basic workplace standards for nannies and house cleaners, including overtime pay and protection from sexual harassment.