Everyone Weighs In

Everyone Weighs In

This morning, national and local newspapers jumped into the Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, David Geffen war of words. Below is a collection of some of the more creative takes on the fight.

From CNN:

David Geffen's "highly critical" comments about the Clintons "reverberated through the presidential campaign and prompted the first direct attacks between the camps" of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (D-IL). "They until now had traded only gentle jabs in genteel language." (Los Angeles Times)

"The blasts from both camps shattered their vows to run positive campaigns" and was "a preview of the nearly two years of campaigning still to come." (New York Daily News)

"A sudden, and early, flash of negative campaigning." (Boston Globe)

"The first big food fight of the 2008 presidential election." (Chicago Tribune)

"The Battle of Beverly Hills has begun." (Newsday)

"H'wood mogul sparks Dems' uncivil war." (New York Post cover)

"A posse of Democratic presidential hopefuls rode into" Carson City, NV, yesterday, "elbowing for media attention and taking potshots in front of and behind the cameras as though the election -- still 620 days away -- were right on top of them." (San Francisco Chronicle)

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