Britney Trashes Judge, Tells Assistant To Have Her Dog Messengered From Malibu

Britney Trashes Judge, Tells Assistant To Have Her Dog Messengered From Malibu

Neiman Marcus was hit by Hurricane Britney on October 11, as the singer made a ruckus in the swank department store and let loose with a long rant directed at the judge presiding over her custody trial.

First the pop star commandeered a dressing room (generally reserved for the disabled) to try on a slew of Juicy Couture dressesn
Then, after belting out Rihanna's "Umbrella," Spears told her assistant Bret she wanted her dog London. Learning the Yorkie was in Malibu, 27 miles away, she said, "F-k that. That will take us an hour to drive there. Can't we have the dog messengered over?"

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