2007's Most Unhinged Wall Street Moments

2007's Most Unhinged Wall Street Moments

A year filled with credit-market turmoil, eight-figure write-downs from the nation's largest financial institutions, shaky guidance from the Federal Reserve and a large falloff in economic activity can't help but fray some emotions at times.

So MarketBeat is taking a look back at a few of the year's most unhinged moments that emanated from Wall Street. Oddly enough, none of these feature Overstock.com's quixotic CEO, Patrick Byrne, which shows what kind of nutty year it was.

Jim Cramer gets serious.
1. Highlighting a freakout from James Cramer seems almost unfair - the guy operates on a level of adrenaline that most people couldn't produce if they were running from hired killers -- but this one can't be ignored. Just a month or so after pooh-poohing the subprime crisis, the CNBC and Street.com commentator pitched a fit on CNBC, going on about how the Federal Reserve had no idea what it was doing and singling out comments by William Poole (the St. Louis Fed President) as particularly "shameful." The Fed, interestingly, cut the discount rate not long after, which will only encourage Mr. Cramer.

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