Kirsten Dunst Explains Why Americans Vote On Tuesdays

Kirsten Dunst Explains Why Americans Vote On Tuesdays

So there we were, with Kirsten Dunst at last night's 303 Gallery party in Chelsea, jawing away about the things you normally talk about with a press-shy A-lister, when the actress abruptly changed the subject. "Actually, I'm gonna plug the documentary I'm directing," she announced. (So THAT'S why she agreed with talk to us. We tried not to look hurt.) "My friend Jacob Soboroff is executive director of this nonpartisan organization called It's a Website. So we're making a documentary together about why we vote on Tuesday."

It's all about America's agrarian roots, see? November is the end of harvest, Dunst explained, and the Tuesday vote allowed Sabbath-observing country folk enough time to horse-and-buggy it to the polling stations before Wednesday market. Worked all right back then, apparently. But today, "it's not a holiday, and we're one of the lowest democratic countries in voter turnout," Dunst explained. Lest her doc turns out to be dutifully evenhanded, we demanded to know Dunst's personal opinion on the matter: "I would keep it the same day, just make it a holiday." You heard it here first.

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