MoveOn Ad: McCain, Get To Work

MoveOn Ad: McCain, Get To Work, which next to the Obama campaign and the DNC has been the most active Democratic organization in the general election, launched a new web ad late Wednesday night attacking John McCain.

The spot, a minute long and titled "McCain: Get to Work," plays off the fact that the Senator has missed 400 votes while on the campaign trail. Interspersing footage of Arizona Republican calling on Congress to end their vacation and pass an energy bill, the ad poses the question: who is McCain to criticize congressional inaction?

As the Huffington Post reported on Monday, McCain has missed 63.3% of votes in the 100th Congress, including such 15 separate environmental votes (as cited by the League of Conservation Voters).

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported that as the GOP chastised Democrats for going on vacation House Minority Leader John Boehner managed to fit in a round of golf in Ohio and McCain was on the cusp of hitting the "four-month anniversary of the last time [he] actually cast a vote in the Senate."

For the record, Barack Obama has missed 282 votes (44.8%) during the current Congress, according to the Washington Post. Though he is not, like McCain, lambasting Congress for its inaction.

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