Brad Pitt To Ellen: Get George Clooney Chippendales Dancers (VIDEO)

Brad Pitt To Ellen: Get George Clooney Chippendales Dancers (VIDEO)

Ellen Degeneres took advice from Brad Pitt on Wednesday's show on how best to lure George Clooney as a guest. Clooney's office on the Warner Brothers' lot is by Ellen's set, and she has made a running "Catch Clooney" project in recent months of sending people and items over to Clooney, never yet succeeding in either seeing him, talking to him or getting him on her show.

"This is your problem," Pitt told Ellen via satellite from New Orleans, "Get a bunch of Chippendales. He's yours. Three, four - no less than three... Make one a blonde."

DeGeneres promised she would, "We're going to do it and we're going to say it's from you."

Pitt also talked his New Orleans Make It Right charity, which Degeners' viewers have helped with, and his new movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," opening later this month.


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