FBI Jobs: Agency Launches Hiring Blitz

FBI Jobs: Agency Launches Hiring Blitz

Reuters reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is on a major hiring spree:

The FBI said on Monday it had launched one of the largest hiring blitzes in its 100-year history involving 2,100 professional staff vacancies and 850 special agents aimed at filling its most critical vacancies.

The agency, which seeks to protect the United States from terrorist attack, fight crime and catch spies, among other duties, said it currently has more than 12,800 agents and about 18,400 other employees.

"We're also looking for professionals in a wide variety of fields who have a deep desire to help protect our nation from terrorists, spies and others who wish us harm," [John Raucci, assistant director of the FBI's Human Resources Division] said.

The lengthy list of openings includes positions in finance and accounting, security, intelligence analysis, training and education, nursing and counseling, physical surveillance, electrical engineering, physical and social sciences, and auto mechanics.

Officials added that there are positions open all around the country. Interested applicants can go to fbijobs.gov. The website announces "FBI Mega Hiring to fill over 2,100 professional staff positions." Apparently, the effort has been a little too successful. The website also announces that "based on the overwhelming response to our Hiring Initiative, the applicant hiring system is being enhanced to facilitate more efficient processing of your application and will be available shortly."

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