Armed Guards Removed From Cicero Polling Places By Sheriff's Police

Armed Guards Removed From Cicero Polling Places By Sheriff's Police

Cook County Sheriff's Police removed armed security hired by Cicero Town President Larry Dominick to guard polling places during Tuesday's primary election, the Tribune reports:

A spokesman for the town of Cicero said a "couple dozen" off-duty police officers had been hired to man the town's 28 polling places.
Courtney Greve, a spokeswoman for Orr, called the presence of off-duty police officers "election day shenanigans."

Officers from the Sheriff's department may assist with security at polling places, she said, but armed off-duty police officers hired by political candidates are not allowed.

Cicero Town spokesman told the Tribune that the illegal guards were necessary "to make sure [challenger Roberto Garcia, a Cicero police officer] and his hooligans don't cause any problems at the polling places."

Watch a CLTV report on the animosity in the race:

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