Who Is AIG's $6.5 Million Man?

Who Is AIG's $6.5 Million Man?

**UPDATE: Mystery Man Revealed**

On Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that a number of AIG executives have decided to return their controversial bonuses.

Among them was Douglas Poling, who received the richest payment of more than $6.4 million, according to a person familiar with the matter. Mr. Poling, the 48-year-old son of a former chief executive of Ford Motor Co., is an executive vice president with responsibility for energy and infrastructure investments.

Poling, no longer the $6.4 million man, has not publicly commented on the bonus. ------

Yesterday, thanks to New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, America learned that 418 executives at AIG received a total of $33.6 million in bonuses.

The retention payments ranged from $1,000 up to several million dollars -- including a massive payload of nearly $6.5 million to one lucky individual.

So who is AIG's $6.5 million man? (It's not CEO Edward Liddy: he didn't receive a bonus.) The Huffington Post wants to learn more about which executives received these bonuses and to get their responses to the outpouring of anger at the news.

We are looking for inside information regarding which AIG executives received $33.6 million of taxpayer money. If you know something that has not been reported, send us an email atsubmissions+AIG@huffingtonpost.com.

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