'Daily Show' Bids Farewell To Palin By Poking Holes In Her Farewell Speech (VIDEO)

'Daily Show' Bids Farewell To Palin By Poking Holes In Her Farewell Speech (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin's resignation, while a boon for her opponents, is a great loss for many in the comedy world who rely on her special brand of mavricky speech nuggets for fodder. Jon Stewart said goodbye to the oft-mocked governor last night by poking holes in her farewell speech, beginning with her claim that she is stepping down to avoid a politics-as-usual lame-duck session. "When you have 15 months to go in your first term in office I don't think that's lame duck status. I think that's just...you're bored."

He went on to lambaste Palin for invoking the death of American troops to silence her critics in the media. "Why do I think that Palin's concern for media accuracy is in reference to the Sarah Palin $150,000 wardrobe story and not the Iraq WMD story? Cause only one of those stories really has bearing on American troops."

After a few shots at the 24-news-network coverage of her resignation, Stewart tossed to a segment by Jason Jones who was in Fairbanks for the event. Jones took Sarah's anti-media message to heart shouting for the Alaskan news outlets to leave her alone and going so far as to attack a local TV truck. Oh yeah and he definitely shouted something about "Jews."


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