Bill Clinton Becomes Second President To Support Bill Owens In NY-23 Special Election

Bill Clinton Becomes Second President To Support Bill Owens In NY-23 Special Election

For the first time this election cycle, Bill Clinton has stepped in on the behalf of a Congressional candidate by emailing a letter of support.

Clinton is the second president to speak out on Democratic candidate Bill Owens' behalf in his fight for New York's 23rd District. President Obama will be holding a fundraiser on October 20th, and Joe Biden attended another fundraiser for Owens in Syracuse.

The full e-mail is below:

Dear Friend,

Every once in a while, a special election comes along that's bigger than just one candidate or one office. Such an election is taking place right now in Upstate New York. It can expand our Democratic Majority in Congress this year.

With the media closely watching this race, victory or defeat will also be seen as a referendum on President Obama's agenda for health care and on our entire progressive agenda. So it's critical that we stand together as Democrats behind our candidate, Bill Owens.

With just 26 days left before the November 3rd special election, Republicans and their conservative outside groups are expected to spend over a million dollars attacking Bill. Our top strategists just briefed me on this race. They said that Bill needs to raise $83,000 before Friday to stay on the air combating the more than $500K Republicans have already spent attacking him.

Deadline Friday

Support Bill Owens with a generous of $5, $10 or more gift before Friday. With the world watching, this race will be seen as a referendum on President Obama's agenda. A victory for Bill Owens will expand our Democratic Majority in Congress.

Bill Owens is the kind of leader we need in Congress. He is a veteran who served as a Captain in the United States Air Force. Since then, he has spent his career working to create over 2,000 jobs and bring economic development to New York State.

I know something about tough political fights and this one will be a doozy. But I wouldn't be asking for your help if this race wasn't winnable. The latest polls show that Bill is clearly within striking distance of his Republican opponent. In fact, earlier this year in a nearby district, Congressman Scott Murphy overcame a larger deficit in the polls than Bill Owens has now.

Support Bill Owens with a generous gift of $5, $10 or more before Friday. With the world watching, this race will be seen as a referendum on President Obama's agenda. A victory for Bill Owens will expand our Democratic Majority in Congress.

Thank you,

President Bill Clinton

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