NYT Journalist David Rohde Recounts 7 Months In Taliban Captivity

NYT Journalist David Rohde Recounts 7 Months In Taliban Captivity

The car's engine roared as the gunman punched the accelerator and we crossed into the open Afghan desert. I was seated in the back between two Afghan colleagues who were accompanying me on a reporting trip when armed men surrounded our car and took us hostage.

It was last Nov. 10, and I had been headed to a meeting with a Taliban commander along with an Afghan journalist, Tahir Luddin, and our driver, Asad Mangal. The commander had invited us to interview him outside Kabul for reporting I was pursuing about Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We reached a dry riverbed and the car stopped. "They're going to kill us," Tahir whispered. "They're going to kill us."

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