Lindsay Lohan's Sobbing Voicemail To Dad: 'No One Cares About Me'

Lindsay Lohan's Sobbing Voicemail To Dad: 'No One Cares About Me'


Lindsay responds that her dad is up to his old slimy tricks. She tweeted on Wednesday (creative punctuation and capitalization her own):

My fathers such a loser & those recordings are from years ago. To release personal things is foul enough, but to edit them. I used to think That he needed the book for dummies on learning how to be a father. Haha-he's needs the book for dummies on HOW TO BE A MAN.


Michael Lohan is using his daughter's plight to draw attention to himself again.

Tuesday he told the New York Post that Lindsay is "a beautiful girl but she looks 100 years old." He also said that Lindsay's mom, Dina, fears Lindsay will kill herself with drugs. Now Michael has released a tearful voicemail from his troubled daughter that doesn't really prove anything except his opportunism over his family's complete dysfunction.

"Mommy says that I'm worse than you were," Lindsay sobs to her dad. "And she's defending...She doesn't back me and she doesn't stand by me. Why? Why? No one cares about me. They don't, by the way. No one cares that much. It's never about that. It's about how they feel, not how I feel. It's not about me. It's never been about me, unless I fight for it."

No telling when the message was recorded. Last week Lohan slammed her dad over Twitter for his lunatic tendencies and physical and verbal abuse.

Sunday's New York Post reported that Lindsay and Dina were seeking a restraining order to stop Michael from kidnapping Lindsay and forcing her into rehab. They reportedly also served him with a cease-and-desist order to prevent him from going public with voicemails from Dina--voicemails he said illustrate Dina's concern that Lindsay's drug use has landed her "on death's doorstep."

RadarOnline reports that Michael released the tape of Lindsay's voicemail "in an attempt to prove his point and to disprove those around Lindsay who are saying she's fine."

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