Tina Fey-Sarah Palin 2009? Will The "30 Rock" Star Reprise Her "SNL" Role After Palin Chats With Oprah?

Tina Fey-Sarah Palin 2009? Will The "30 Rock" Star Reprise Her "SNL" Role After Palin Chats With Oprah?

You betcha! Sarah Palin is back in the spotlight with the release of her new book "Going Rogue" and her appearance on "Oprah" today, but we here on the comedy page are most curious about whether or not this resurgence will warrant an appearance from the already-overworked Tina Fey on this week's "Saturday Night Live."

On "Oprah" today Palin referred to Katie Couric as "the perky one," called Levi Johnston "Ricky Hollywood," and talked 2012. She also addressed her meeting with Tina Fey on the set of "SNL" saying the pair standing next to each other confused Fey's baby:

"So yes, I meet Tina Fey, and she was funny. She said, 'Oh don't worry, they'll put makeup on me. I'll look different in a couple of hours.' She's holding her baby, Alice, and Alice is looking back and forth between the two of us, and I'm saying, 'We're confusing your child.'"

But is this enough to bring Fey out of "SNL" retirement? In addition to raising Alice and writing her own show, she stars in "30 Rock," is doing press for her upcoming film "Date Night," and is working on other film projects.

We can only hope she bites the bullet, but in the mean-time enjoy her last turn as Palin in the 2008-2009 season.


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