Charity Challenges Thanksgiving Overeaters To Burn Calories By Giving

Charity Challenges Thanksgiving Overeaters To Burn Calories By Giving

Already feeling guilty about those second (okay, third) helpings you plan to load up on during Thanksgiving dinner? Ubuntu Education Fund is encouraging you to give your way out of those calories and guilt, Tonic reports.

Rather than using shock and bawl, The Ubuntu Holiday Fitness Challenge is both a perfect parody of a true American art form (the infomercial) and a holiday "ask" that will not end up in the garbage. The video (see it, below) absurdly suggests that donating money is an effective way to shed unwanted holiday pounds.

The ad jokingly claims that donators can burn 8 calories per $5 text donation this holiday season. The money goes to the Ubuntu Education Fund is dedicated to working with the people of the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa to develop quality education and healthy communities.


To join the Holiday Fitness Challenge, text "UBUNTU" to 20222.

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