Bob Knight On Mark McGwire VIDEO: Compares Gatorade To Steroids, PEDs

Bob Knight On Mark McGwire VIDEO: Compares Gatorade To Steroids, PEDs

ESPN turned to former college basketball coach Bob Knight yesterday while discussing the fallout from Mark McGwire's admission that he used steroids. However, those expecting a solemn meditation on the subject may have been caught off guard by the legendary coach's remarks. Knight began by announcing that he has "a different approach to performance-enhancing drugs." He continued:

Who decides what can be used and what can't be used, and on what basis is that decision made?

Fair enough. But then Knight pivoted to his first example, surely bewildering many viewers in the process. "Gatorade is a performance-enhancing substance," Knight said. Because the sports beverage replaces electrolytes, Knight says he has "always had a real skeptical approach to all of this performance enhancing stuff. Perhaps McGwire will give this defense a shot in the coming days. Scroll down for video.


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