John Hickenlooper Leads Scott McInnis In February Rasmussen Poll

John Hickenlooper Leads Scott McInnis In February Rasmussen Poll

In a round of polling conducted February 4, Rasmussen Reports found Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper with a 4-point advantage over his Republican rival, former congressman Scott McInnis. The poll, which has a 4% margin for error, showed Hicknlooper with a 49%-45% lead over McInnis with 6% undecided and 1% preferring a different candidate.

Hickenlooper was viewed favorably by 35% of those surveyed, while only 13% viewed McInnis favorably. The two-term Denver mayor also enjoyed greater name recognition than McInnis.

Last week, Chairman of the Colorado Republican Party Dick Wadhams, told a group of Arapahoe County Republicans "if this election has to be about whether voters like John Hickenlooper, we will lose."

Hickenlooper announced in Jaunuary that he would run for Governor after current Democratic Governor Bill Ritter shockingly dropped his reelection campaign.

Polling by Rasmussen in December showed Ritter losing to McInnis by a 48%-40% margin. In the wake of Ritter's surprising exit from the race, Rasmussen preformed a round of polling that compared several speculative Democratic candidates head-to-head with McInnis. That round of polling showed McInnis with a 45%-42% lead over Hickenlooper.

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