Oath Keepers Founder Calls Giuliani A Fascist, Warns Of Dictatorship

Oath Keepers Founder Calls Giuliani A Fascist, Warns Of Dictatorship

One of the more omnipresent organizations at Monday's gun rights rally in Washington D.C. was the Oath Keepers, a group that claims as a founding principle non-violent resistance to actions taken by the U.S. government that it believes are unconstitutional.

Oath Keepers is a self-proclaimed non-partisan group but it has been heavily associated with the conservative 9-12 project, among other institutions.

On Monday, however, its founder, Stewart Rhodes, held court on the mall with the Washington Monument in the backdrop to push the idea that his contempt for modern-day politics is bipartisan in nature.

While warning about the possibility of an Obama dictatorship, Rhodes pivoted to note that conservatives, too, might take advantage of the prevailing fear that the country is being threatened by socialism

"It might be a future President [Rudy] Giuliani who takes advantage of this," he said. "I think he would be a disaster as a president. The guy is a fascist."

Rhode's concerns, of course, are as much about second amendment rights as they are civil liberties. In particular, he spoke disparagingly of the Bush administration for the authorization of the Patriot Act, and chastised conservative blogger Michelle Malkin for defending internment camps during WWII.

"We should never think it can't happen here," Rhodes said earlier. "What if another massive terrorist attack were to happen? Look what happened after 9/11... You can not take for granted that [a dictatorship] won't happen again. You can not take for granted it won't happen here."

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