RNC Accuses Obama Of Shredding Constitution, Nominating Sex-Offender Defenders

RNC Accuses Obama Of Shredding Constitution, Nominating Sex-Offender Defenders

The Republican National Committee launched a new website on Wednesday that accuses the president of trying to shred the founding purposes of the Constitution in profound and inflammatory ways, chief among them: nominating sex-offender defenders to high courts.

The site, titled "Obama v. Constitution," seeks to place a spotlight on some of the more controversial nominees that the president has made to various courts. Going through the language of the Constitution itself, the RNC edits and adds language with a red pen -- under the guise that this will happen if these nominees are unleashed on the legal world.

Among the more outlandish charges, the RNC insists that:

  • David Hamilton, who was confirmed to the Seventh Circuit court of Appeals this past November, would change the law so that convicted and released sex offenders would not have their online activity monitored;
  • Robert Chatigny, who has been nominated for a seat on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, would prohibit states from forcing sex offenders to register with the government or submit to Internet monitoring; and that
  • Goodwin Liu, whose nomination for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has been held up in the Senate, would make decisions that deliberately tied the government's hand in prosecuting the war on terrorism.

The site, replete with foreboding music and new media options, seems particularly targeted to the conservative base, which has led the fight against the slate of Obama judicial nominees (from the high-profile to the obscure). And it provides a rather clear indication that the GOP remains committed to dragging its heals on these nominations even after being badgered for historic levels of obstructionism.

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