DNC Criticizes Joe Barton In New Ad

DNC Criticizes Joe Barton In New Ad

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) may have retracted his apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward, but his words live on in a new ad from the Democratic National Committee.

The DNC told Republicans to "stop apologizing to BP" in the ad, which features Barton's famous words to Hayward at Thursday's hearing.

Barton retracted his apology later Thursday, after he was slammed by the White House for his comment.

Narrator: BP caused the worst oil spill in American history. Now, at President Obama's direction, BP set aside $20 billion for recovery on the Gulf coast. But if Republicans were in charge, this is the guy who'd be overseeing BP.

On Thursday, the RNC released an ad slamming Obama for his rounds of golf and photo ops since the spill started on April 20.

[An Image of Barton is superimposed over footage of oil-soaked water.]

Barton: I apologize.

Narrator: He apologized to BP and called the recovery fund "a tragedy."

Barton: So I apologize.

Narrator: Republicans apologizing to BP? Tell Republicans: Stop apologizing to big oil.

WATCH the DNC's ad below:

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