Schwarzenegger Pokes Fun At Mel Gibson, Rush Limbaugh

Schwarzenegger Pokes Fun At Mel Gibson, Rush Limbaugh

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Terminator is taking a few shots at the Road Warrior.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wise-cracked about Mel Gibson on Wednesday, comparing him to the Gulf of Mexico oil leak.

(Watch the video here)

Schwarzenegger told a group of utility commissioners in Sacramento that while BP appears to have contained its well, "no one has figured out how to contain Mel Gibson."

A celebrity website has posted audio recordings of what it says are Gibson's profanity-laced tirades against his ex-girlfriend.

Schwarzenegger also told participants to turn off their cell phones "because we are expecting a call from him."

Gibson spokesman Alan Nierob says he is happy to hear that Schwarzenegger is maintaining a sense of humor, adding, "He's obviously paving the way for a return to showbiz."

(This version CORRECTS APNewsNow. Replaces 2nd paragraph to correct day of week. This story is part of AP's general news and entertainment services.)

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