Did Saxby Chambliss Staffer Make Anti-Gay Slur?

Did Saxby Chambliss Staffer Make Anti-Gay Slur?

U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss' office is investigating whether one of his staffers left a derogatory slur on an Internet discussion over the rights of gays to serve in the U.S. military.

Chambliss spokeswoman Bronwyn Lance Chester said Tuesday the office is "moving quickly to understand the facts."

She said "this office has not and will not tolerate any activity of the sort alleged. Once we have ascertained whether these claims are true, we will take the appropriate steps."

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports:

The comment was posted on Joe.My.God., a blog dedicated to gay and lesbian issues, shortly after a Democratic bid to repeal "don't ask, don't tell" faltered in the U.S. Senate.

"All [gays] must die," wrote the commenter, identifying himself as "Jimmy."

The blog's readers then traced the Internet Protocol address to the suburban Atlanta complex where Chambliss has an office.

A spokesman for Georgia's other Republican Senator, Johnny Isakson, told the Journal-Constitution that the lawmaker's home state office, which is located in close proximity to that of Chambliss, determined that the slur did not come from them.

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