Meet New York's Other Gubernatorial Candidates

Meet New York's Other Gubernatorial Candidates

Carl Paladino and Andrew Cuomo have grabbed most of the headlines in the race for governor, but there are five other candidates on the ballot this November.

Before they face off in a debate tonight, here's a look at who the five lesser-known candidates are and what they stand for.

Charles Barron

The Freedom Party candidate and city councilman from East New York jumped into the race after Cuomo picked Robert Duffy as his running mate. Barron said he wanted to add diversity to the ballot that he felt was sorely lacking on the Democratic ticket.

Barron told the New York Times, "the biggest form of racism in this state is the inequitable distribution of wealth and income. There's something wrong with the richest city in the world having the most impoverished Congressional district in the country."

Davis gained notoriety when she claimed she provided former Gov. Eliot Spitzer with prostitutes.

The Financial consultant and former madam is running on a platform that centers around legalizing marijuana, prostitution and gay marriage.

The man Ralph Nader affectionately calls the "Green Hornet" wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and invest in a renewable energy economy.

The Green Party candidate is also against hydrofracking for natural gas.

McMillan is running as the Rent Is Too Damn High party candidate, and, not surprisingly, he supports rent freezes and lower property taxes.

The Vietnam vet's website says it all. "Rent: There is nothing else to talk about."

When asked about his debate strategy, McMillan told Daily Intel he's going to be the baddest candidate on stage. "You got one guy that appears to be bad, but it's time to let him know who's the baddest person in the arena tonight," McMillan said. "He gonna need that bad."

Warren Redlich
Redlich made headlines after he posted a parody of the now infamous confrontation between Paladino and New York Post reporter Fred Dicker.

The Libertarian candidate wants to slash government spending by eliminating several state offices, including the Public Integrity Commission and the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. He also wants to lower taxes and tackle tort reform.

So there you have it. Let's hope tonight's debate is as varied and colorful as the five non-establishment candidates.

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