Alison Blickle Opens Her Studio To Beautiful/Decay | STUDIO VISIT (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: STUDIO VISIT: Alison Blickle Opens Her Studio To Beautiful/Decay

Courtesy of Beautiful/Decay
A few weeks back I headed over to the studio of painter Alison Blickle. You may remember Alison from a previous post as well as her killer contribution to book 3. Alison recently moved to LA , with a studio down the street from the B/D office so I thought i'd stop by and check out what she's been up to.
When I stopped by Alison was getting ready for a new show opening at Theirry Goldberg Projects in NY. The new work is an evolution of the previous body of work that Alison is known for. While the last body of work focused on girls frolicking through dense forests filled with plant life, this new body of work is a more toned down in its approach with west coast desert backdrops and crystal hugging sirens. It all has a get back to nature, hug a tree, take peyote and run naked through the desert kind of vibe.

Beautiful/Decay: Alison Blickle

To see the full visit and learn more, visit Beautifu/Decay.

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