Google Instant Map Shows 'The United States Of Autocomplete' (PICTURE)

'The United States Of Autocomplete': A Map Of Google Results

Google Instant's autocomplete feature, which selects search suggestions based on popular queries, can be as entertaining as it is helpful. Googling a politician's name, for example, sometimes yields shocking search results.

After querying Google Instant with the names of all 50 states in the U.S. (plus Wahington D.C.), cartoonist Dorothy Gambrell created a map that reflects Google Instant's first suggestion for each state. Every state on Gambrell's map is renamed, many after sports teams or colleges (think "Minnesota Vikings," "Arizona State University"), some after pieces of legislation ("Missouri Compromise"). A few names are pretty obvious ("Kentucky Fried Chicken"), but a couple are totally out of left field ("Montana Fishburne").

Take a look at "The United States of Autocomplete" (below). Have you noticed different search results when querying state names? Let us know in the comments. Then, check out our Google Instant Alphabet and see a list of "sexy" search terms banned from Google Instant.

LOOK: [via Very Small Array]

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