April Fools Day 2011: The Best Someecards! (PICTURES)

The Best April Fools Day Someecards

April Fools Day is the international pranking holiday that pits you against friends, coworkers and strangers to see who can get the most joy out of creatively tricking others. We believe that the secret to a successful April Fools Day is pre- and post-prank communication. Giving everyone a heads up on how you feel about the holiday will fully mentally prepare them to find their office/cubicle filled with packing peanuts. Luckily, Someecards understands this important need and has produced a number of great e-cards for the holiday. We've gathered up our favorites for your viewing pleasure. Vote for your favorite and comment below!

Is That A Fake Can Of Nuts In Your Pocket Or...

April Fools' Day 2011: The Funniest Someecards

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