Revamped For 2012 Campaign Revamped For 2012 Campaign

In announcing the launch of his 2012 reelection campaign on Monday, President Barack Obama unveiled a revamped

The website greets visiters with text saying, "This campaign is just kicking off. We're opening up offices, unpacking boxes, and starting a conversation with supporters like you to help shape our path to victory." Along with the note, the site features a video announcing the start of Obama's reelection operation. The clip was sent to supporters via email and text message early Monday morning.

Obama will base his campaign headquarters in Chicago at One Prudential Plaza. The location is just a few blocks away from where the president delivered his victory speech in 2008.

The website also provides visiters with links to the @barackobama Twitter account as well as the president's Facebook page.

Obama and his team can be expected to use social media as an integral component of its larger messaging strategy and political operation. The president garned praise for the way in which his 2008 campaign aimed to leverage technology to reach voters and, it seems his 2012 operation will look to do the same once again.

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