Vancouver Riot Cleanup Organized Through Facebook, Twitter

Massive Cleanup Efforts In Vancouver Organized Through Social Media

There's plenty of cleanup to do after riots blanketed Vancouver on Wednesday night following the city's Stanley Cup loss.

Social media to the rescue!

Concerned citizens rushed to organize Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr groups to organize massive cleanup efforts, Mashable reports.

A Facebook group called "Post Riot Clean-up - Let's help Vancouver" already has more than 10,000 confirmed attendees as of 2 a.m. Vancouver time. The group explains:

"Once the embarrassing rioting has ended in Vancouver let's all show the world what Vancouver is really about by helping rebuild and clean up so it is better than it was before [...] Invite all of your friends! Let's see if we can get Vancouver looking like a new city by noon Thursday!"

There's also an accompanying Twitter account for the efforts @vancouverclean. And on Tumblr, "Vancouver 2011 Riot Criminal List" has surfaced, helping document those leading the riots after a call for photos from public officials. A website has also been started to help with this effort.

Whoever started the Facebook and Twitter accounts also has the Vancouver Police in mind, noting that he or she plans to double check with the VancouverPD in the morning that the cleanup effort is okay to go forward. The VancouverPD itself has been actively tweeting throughout the riots.

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