Super Geniuses 'Outliers'

Super Geniuses 'Outliers'

Frank Newport says Obama's job approval rating is overing near the reelection fault line.

Charles Franklin charts Obama approval in 50 states.

Jonathan Chait raises an eyebrow at Karl Rove's questionable use of Obama job approval statistics.

Jay Cost says Obama's problems are all about the fundamentals; Chait demurs.

Mark Penn counts the ways Obama could lose in 2012; Jim Geraghty replies with all due snark.

Ann Selzer argues that a moderate Republican could win in Iowa.

Chris Good looks at when and why Americans turned against the war in Afghanistan.

Patrick Murray considers Christie's falling approval with New Jersey independents.

Nathan Gonzales reports on PPP's flood of early polls.

Francesca Lunzer Kritz reports on how health researchers survey Americans via cellphone and the Web.

Adam Bonica and Kevin Collins find
conservatism of GOP candidates related to donation size (via Sides).

Howard Schuman asks why public opinion has little effect on requiring gun permits (via MonkeyCage).

Robert Groves looks back at lessons learned from the 2010 Census.

Politifact says Jon Stewart is wrong about surveys and "consistently misinformed" Fox News viewers.

Obama campaign recruits "analysts and data geniuses" (via Lundry).

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