Madison Has A Surprise (VIDEO)

WATCH: Madison Has A Surprise

We come across bunches of really freaking adorable web kids here and it takes a lot to sway our faces from their iron-clad disgruntled expressions into something resembling a smile, or (gasp!) a giggle even.

Actually, that's not true at all. If it's cute, we're game. But Madison caught our attention because she's not your typical web kid.

With her textbook knowledge of the Sun Conure, Madison is less Jessica and more Randall's Animals. And that's okay with us. We need that person in our lives who will tell us which South American birds eat pineapple and nickels and which don't.

Oh, and, see that beautiful Sun Conure face painting Madison is sporting? Yes, she did draw that herself, thanks for asking, and she's got a whole portfolio of other looks, if you're interested.


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