When Fashion Meets Art: Top Exhibits From The Past, Present And Future

When Fashion Meets Art: The Top Exhibits

Whereas other art may be confined to the halls of museums, there is one type that is created by the human form and lives on it: fashion. The most powerful designers have an ability, just like the old masters, to transform the human body, to allow our frame to mold and shape into their vision. Yves Saint Laurent empowered the female figure through the pantsuit, Yohji Yamamoto played with the unfinished garment, and newer designers such as John Paul Gaultier and Alexander McQueen pushed the boundaries in a conscious effort to challenge the current political climate. This power to induce change characterizes great artists, no matter the medium, and exemplifies the fundamental reason fashion installation exhibits are on the rise. Here are our picks for the best fashion installations from the past, present and future that celebrate fashion’s power to move us.

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty

Fashion Exhibits

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