Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To New Oreo: 'It's Gonna Be Called The Or-Ba-Meo' (AUDIO)

Limbaugh: New Oreo Cookie Should Be Called 'Or-Ba-Meo'

Rush Limbaugh described Kraft's new Triple Double Oreo as a "bi-racial cookie" and an "Or-Ba-Meo."

He said the cookie would have three chocolate wafers, white vanilla cream and chocolate cream. He said, "It's actually a bi-racial cookie," adding, "It isn't gonna be long til it's gonna be called the Or-Ba-Meo or something like that."

He also used the term itself to mock Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity, saying, "The food industry responds with 'Take this' and Kraft comes up with the Or-Ba-Meo."

This is not the first time Limbaugh has compared President Obama to an Oreo cookie. In a 2009 about food safety advocates, he said, "After that, they're gonna want the Oreos -- might have to put off until Obama's out of office."


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