Colorado Springs Woman's Cell Phone Stops Bullet In Random Shooting

Lady Luck? Cell Phone Stops Bullet

We're all a little bit terrified deep down that the cell phones we keep plastered to our heads are causing irreparable harm. Despite the possibility of cancer or the guaranteed decline in our social skills, the critters are just too damned useful to leave at home.

Score another one for the utility of cellphones: A Colorado Springs woman was hit by a gunshot last Friday night but the cell phone in her back pocket stopped the bullet from causing injury. The Gazette reports she was standing outside a building when approximately 10 rounds were fired in the area.

According to KOAA, the phone's battery stopped the bullet. Other bullets ricocheted in and among units in the complex.

No arrests have been made in the shooting, though an investigation is ongoing.

In November 2008, a Louisiana man's cell phone absorbed a stray .45 caliber bullet that hit his chest.

flickr photo via kozumel

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