Kelsey Grammer Rejects Tea Party Due To Anti-Gay Marriage Stance

Kelsey Grammer Rejects Tea Party Due To Anti-Gay Marriage Stance

Kelsey Grammer recently sat down with Piers Morgan to discuss exactly what went wrong with his marriage to "Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills" star Camille Grammer. But by the looks of a preview released by CNN (see video above), the hottest topic of the night might have been politics.

When Grammer, a Republican, was asked about his feelings about the Tea Party, the actor said, “I’m not sure they say anything that I would object to...I've just been told that they're lunatics. I think smaller government is a good idea -- always have. I think lower taxes are a good idea -- always have."

When Morgan then informed Grammer that the Tea Party is against gay marriage, the "Boss" star responded:

"I wouldn't sign on to that... I played several [gay characters]... I think marriage is up to two people that love each other. And if you find the church that you want to get married in you go right ahead. Or if you don't believe in God. In my mind the state of marriage is something that has been endorsed by the idea that it is a sacrament within the context of a faith...the word marriage comes out of the religious side of our experience and our society and our history. So I tend to think our government shouldn't be involved in any way."

Grammer's interview with Morgan airs on CNN on Monday.

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